リア ハワイアンパーソナルジム名東区店

名古屋市のダイエットならリア ハワイアンパーソナルジム名東区店 | 口コミ

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(Translated by Google)
After completing the 2-month short-term intensive program, I am transitioning to a monthly course.
At first, I was worried about whether I would be able to diet or continue with the dietary restrictions, so I spent a lot of time worrying about joining.
It's been 3 months since I started attending, and 2 and a half months since I started restricting my diet, and now I'm seeing good results and I've even dropped one size in my clothes!
I was able to continue working because you found the good points in everything, no matter how small, and gave me great praise.

I'm thinking that if I continue my diet a little more, I'll be able to buy clothes that I couldn't wear because of my body shape, so I'm continuing to do my best!
One of the attractions is that by talking with Mr. Saito, you can feel mentally energized even if you are tired from work.
I've written a lot about this, but I don't have any regrets about joining, so if you feel like you've reached the limits of dieting on your own, I highly recommend you try it.






リアパーソナルジム名東区店 代表 齋藤より

(Translated by Google)
Mr. RM✨Thank you for choosing our gym from among the many personal gyms. Also, thank you for your high rating and nice reviews! ! I am very happy! ! !

I remember the day you came for counseling like it was yesterday. He took a lot of thought before making his decision, and even after the two-month short-term intensive course, he continued to refine his skills through continuing courses, and I am very happy to be able to continue supporting his wonderful attitude.

I am always impressed by how easily he handles intense training menus. I talked about how my body has changed like a different person and I can now enjoy fashion, and I can now wear clothes that used to be tight! I'm very happy to talk to you.

As spring approaches, it will be the season for light clothing, so please continue to wear them.
I feel like there's a lot of stress from work, so I'd appreciate it if you could come to the gym and release it ♪ I always get energized by RM's smile! thank you!

We look forward to your next visit.
From Saito, representative of Ria Personal Gym Meito Ward store





(Translated by Google)
It's in a good location, about a 1-minute walk from the station, so you can stay motivated even on rainy days!
There were no unreasonable solicitations, so I was able to join with peace of mind 😊
It's a gym that welcomes you with a smile every time, sends you off to the end when you leave, and watches over you from beginning to end!



(Translated by Google)
Dear rena, thank you for choosing Ria Meito-ku branch out of the many personal gyms available. Also, thank you for your high evaluation. I'm happy(^^)
At the time of counseling, I heard, ``You've lost 10 kg by spring!'' We will do our best to support you for two months while also managing your diet! I know it's hard after work, but I'm working on getting the best body of my life, so if you have any problems, please contact me ♪ Let's do our best together! Thank you for your continued support of Ria Meito Ward store!





(Translated by Google)
I went to a personal gym for the first time, and it's perfect for women who want to pack less because they don't need to bring anything!
The trainers have a wealth of knowledge, so you can ask them anything!



(Translated by Google)
Dear Mr. Curren, Thank you very much for choosing Ria Meito-ku branch out of many personal gyms. Thank you again for your kind evaluation.
As I mentioned during my consultation, ``I want to wear a bikini this year,'' I will do my best to support you in making that goal a reality. I'm sure you're busy with work, but let's train twice a week to get the best body of your life. All of our staff will do their best to support you so that you can continue to patronize Ria Meito Ward store.







(Translated by Google)
I was looking for a personal place because my body was not recovering well after giving birth, and I decided to come here because it was OK to bring a baby.
I was a little nervous before trying it out, but the trainer's personality made me confident that it would be okay!
Training also helps me regain my strength, which can easily give up when I feel like I can't do it anymore.
This was my first time doing personal training, but I recommend it to those who are not good at exercise, as they support me and help me get through it even if I am not good at exercise.

I have a baby with me who can't crawl yet, but they care about me and take care of me, so I feel really safe even if I bring my child with me.

Although I am a three-day old monk, I am able to have fun doing the exercises that I am not good at, so I think I will be able to get good results.


さやか様、嬉しいご評価並びに口コミの投稿ありがとうございます。また数多くあるパーソナルジム から当ジムをお選び頂きありがとうございます。トレーニング初心者とは思えない体の使い方でトレーニングを行うたびに重量を上げて、素晴らしいです!
ストイックに取り組む姿勢も素晴らしいと感じております。この寒い季節のトレーニング開始ということで、体調面には十分に気をつけて頂きながら目標達成に向けて一緒に頑張りましょう!食事のこと以外でもお気軽にご相談ください。次回は上半身もトレーニングしていきます♪育児にお仕事に大変かと思いますが、今後ともパーソナルジム 名東区店リアをよろしくお願いします!N君、いつもお利口にコロコロと泣かずに可愛くて癒されます。また遊びましょうね♪ 名東区 パーソナルジム リア代表 齋藤より♫

(Translated by Google)
Dear Sayaka, Thank you for your nice evaluation and review. Thank you for choosing our gym from among the many personal gyms available. He uses his body in a way that makes you wonder if he's a training beginner, and he lifts the weight every time he trains, which is amazing!
I also feel that the stoic approach to work is wonderful. As we begin training in this cold season, let's work together to achieve our goals while taking good care of our physical condition! Please feel free to contact us regarding anything other than meals. Next time I'll be training my upper body as well ♪ I know it's going to be tough with childcare and work, but I hope you'll continue to use Personal Gym Meito Ward Ria in the future! N-kun, you are always so clever, never crying, so cute and soothing. Let's play again ♪ From Saito, representative of Meito Ward Personal Gym Ria ♫





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My son, who is in elementary school, had gained weight due to lack of exercise, so we sent him to our school for 6 months.
I didn't set a goal weight for my son because he's still growing and busy with cram school. The training was carried out at just the right pace so that I didn't overdo it. However, my muscles started to ache afterwards and I lost 3kg compared to my peak! I noticed a change in my body, so it's working properly! !
I had a great impression that I had fun working with trainer Saito while laughing and talking a lot, so I feel sad that the training is over.
I will study hard in the future!
thank you very much.


PS. Rちゃん、これから大学受験と人生の中で大きな分岐点かと思います。どんな選択肢や結果であれ「失敗」はないと僕は考えております。何事も「経験」になりますので、どうか悔いのないように残りの時間を大切にし、笑顔でまたお会いできる日を楽しみにしております。最後になりますが、ご家族でリア名東区店をご愛好頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます。寒い日が続いておりますので、お体にご自愛ください。パーソナルジム 名東区店 リア 代表 齋藤より。

(Translated by Google)
Mr. Taguchi, Mr. D
Thank you for your kind review and rating. The six months went by in a blink of an eye, and I gained a lot of confidence. Thank you. I remember the first day of training like it was yesterday. Even though they didn't do well at the beginning, their ``attempt to take on challenges'' such as increasing the weight towards the end, and their ``habit-forming'' and ``spontaneous actions'' of continuing next month were very impressive. I think that in the next stage of junior high school, students will be faced with more stimuli than they are now. But I believe that you can overcome this. The reason for this is that I have experience gained from six months of hard training. Training is often used for dieting purposes, but it is the best tool for increasing concentration and leading to positive thinking. Please don't forget your kindness, smile, and politeness even in junior high school. I'm looking forward to seeing you again in good health♪
PS. R-chan, I think this will be a major turning point in your university entrance exams and life. I believe that there is no such thing as "failure" no matter what the choice or outcome. Everything is an experience, so please cherish the time you have left with no regrets and look forward to the day when we can meet again with a smile on your face. Last but not least, we would like to thank you and your family for choosing Ria Meito Ward store. The cold days continue, so please take care of yourself. Personal Gym Meito Ward Store Ria Representative Saito.





(Translated by Google)
I am always grateful for your help
I enjoy training every time.
The trainers are also funny and the best part is that you can smile and talk about all kinds of things!


ayk様、この度は数多くあるパーソナルジムから当店をお選び頂きありがとうございます。高評価並びに嬉しいコメントありがとうございます。楽しんでいただけているようで僕自身嬉しいです。トレーニング初心者と思えない身体の使い方で下半身のトレーニングも二の腕のトレーニングもハードではありますが、すごく頑張っておられますね。1月の結婚式へ向けて全力でサポートさせていただきますので、疑問に思うことや気になることがございましたら、何なりとお申し付けください。結婚式へ残り3ヶ月あっという間だと思いますが、引き続き宜しくお願いいたします。いつも遠くからありがとね♪パーソナルジム 名東区 リア代表 齋藤より

(Translated by Google)
Dear ayk, Thank you for choosing our store from among the many personal gyms available. Thank you for your high rating and nice comments. I'm glad to see that you're enjoying it. The way he uses his body makes me wonder if he's a beginner in training, and the training for his lower body and upper arms is hard, but he's working really hard. We will do our best to support you in preparation for your wedding in January, so if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know. I know there are only three months left until the wedding, but I appreciate your continued support. Thank you as always from afar ♪ From Personal Gym Meito Ward Ria Representative Saito





(Translated by Google)
This is a personal service that I would recommend to women.
I've been to 3 personals so far, but this was the easiest environment to go to. It's close to the station and you can go there at night, so it's easy to come after work. We also provide amenities, so you can touch up your makeup after training and make it easy to schedule your next appointment. I highly recommend it to anyone who is on a diet or who is interested in body makeup.


秋吉様、この度は数多くあるパーソナルジムの中からリア名東区店をお選び頂きありがとうございます。また、嬉しいご評価ありがとうございます。さすが経験者という身体の使い方で筋肉に良い刺激になったかと思います。これから食欲の秋になりますが、お食事も楽しみながらトレーニングはハードに頑張って行きましょう。全力でサポートさせていただきます。今後ともパーソナルジム 名東区 リアを宜しくお願いします。

(Translated by Google)
Dear Akiyoshi, thank you for choosing Ria Meito-ku branch out of the many personal gyms available. Also, thank you for your kind evaluation. I think the way he used his body as an experienced person stimulated his muscles in a good way. Autumn will be a time of great appetite, so let's train hard while enjoying our meals. We will do our best to support you. Thank you for your continued support of Personal Gym Meito Ward Ria.

Ryuichi Murase

Ryuichi Murase


自分の目標に合ったトレーニングを全面で支援しくれます!場所も便利で通いたい時間に合わせてくれるので仕事と両立して続けられます。大変おすすめです‼︎ 引き続きよろしくお願いします🙏

(Translated by Google)
We will fully support you in training that suits your goals! The location is convenient and you can go to work at a time that suits you, so you can continue to work while balancing work. Highly recommended! ︎ Thank you for your continued support 🙏



リア名東区店 代表 齋藤

(Translated by Google)
Dear Ryuichi, thank you for choosing Ria Meito-ku branch out of the many personal gyms available.
We will do our best to support you in training hard and in a fun way to achieve your ideal body.
Don't forget to take care of your body, and we will continue to listen to you, so let's evolve every day!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us!
Thank you for your continued support!

Ria Meito Ward Store Representative Saito





(Translated by Google)
I asked about it based on my experience. I went to various gyms, and I could feel their enthusiasm. I'm glad I decided right away.
I'm looking forward to going there from now on.


麻友美様、この度はお忙しい中、パーソナルジム 名東区 リアにご来店ならびにご入会頂きありがとうございます。リア名東区店は1,000人以上のビッグデータをもとに麻友美様に最適な運動プログラム、最適な食事プログラムをご提供させて頂きます。辛いトレーニングもありますが、夏までに理想の身体を手にするべく全力でサポートさせて頂きます。トレーニングの楽しさを味わって頂きたいと思います。今後とも宜しくお願いいたします。パーソナルジム 名東区 リア代表齋藤より。

(Translated by Google)
Dear Mayumi, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit Personal Gym Meito-ku Ria and join us. Ria Meito Ward store will provide Mayumi with the optimal exercise program and optimal diet program based on big data from over 1,000 people. Although the training may be tough, we will do our best to help you get your ideal body by summer. We want you to enjoy the fun of training. From now on, we shall strive for good relations. Personal Gym Meito Ward Ria Representative Saito.





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With the help of my trainer, I am able to push myself hard!
I can tell you from the form properly.
I can train without straining myself.


坂梨さん、仕事終わりのご来店、トレーニングありがとうございます。サッカーで吹き飛ばされないフィジカルと社会人になって体重増加で悩んでおられましたね。下半身のトレーニングをメインに構成し、胸トレもガンガン織り交ぜていきます!坂梨さんなら追い込めるガッツがあるので、理想な身体へ最短で仕上げていきます。これからも宜しくお願いいたします。パーソナルジム 名東区店 リア代表 齋藤

(Translated by Google)
Mr. Sakanashi, thank you for coming to our store after work and training. You were worried about your physical condition not being blown away by soccer and weight gain after entering the workforce. The main focus will be on lower body training, with some chest training thrown in as well! Mr. Sakanashi has the guts to push you, so he will help you achieve your ideal body in the shortest possible time. nice to meet you. Personal Gym Meito Ward Store Ria Representative Saito




体幹のブレも、メンタル面も支えてくれる素敵なトレーナーさんです( ´▽ ` )ノ

(Translated by Google)
Highly recommended ◎
I wonder if I can overcome this tough situation... I was feeling anxious when I entered the building, but she always greets me with such a refreshing smile, which eases my nervousness and allows me to do my best positively♪
The training menu will be well-prepared, so you can do everything you want☆
He is a wonderful trainer who supports both core strength and mental health ( ´▽ ` )ノ
They imagine my future together with me, and I say, ``I worked hard to lose weight!'' ”I want to report it as soon as possible!


いつもハードなトレーニングお疲れ様です。しっかり体幹もあり、トレーニングフォームもバッチリです。キツイトレーニングメニューも笑顔でやり切る姿勢が素晴らしいです。最後の1回まで筋肉を意識して動かしているので、効率良く憧れの体へ仕上がること間違いなしです!辛いながらもやり切った達成感を味わって頂ければ幸いです。食事についても知識がありますので、今のペースを崩さず夏までに理想の身体を手に入れるべく、全力でサポートさせて頂きます。これからもリア名東区店を末長く宜しくお願い致します。パーソナルジム 名東区店 リア代表 齋藤より

(Translated by Google)
Hello! Thank you for posting your review and your positive rating. Also, thank you for choosing our Meito Ward branch out of the many personal gyms available.
Thank you for your hard work and hard training. He has a strong core and his training form is perfect. It's amazing how he can complete a tough training menu with a smile on his face. Since you are consciously moving your muscles until the last time, you are sure to get the body of your dreams efficiently! I hope you can enjoy the sense of accomplishment even though it was painful. I also have knowledge about diet, so I will do my best to support you so that you can maintain your current pace and get your ideal body by summer. We look forward to your continued support of Ria Meito Ward store. From Personal Gym Meito Ward Store Ria Representative Saito





(Translated by Google)
I started this to reset my body after giving birth. There aren't many gyms that I can take my kids to, so it was very easy to go!
Even when my child got tired, I was able to concentrate on training without worrying about my surroundings. You can also rent clothing, so it's helpful to be light!
It's been 2 months, but my body has changed so much that people around me have noticed!


2か月の短期集中お疲れ様でした!初めの頃は不安もあったと思います。「こんなに食べていいの?!」と会話したのを昨日のように思い出します。それほどあっという間の時間で濃い2か月でした。これから職場復帰をする中で、ストレスを溜めやすくなるかもしれませんので、体調にはお気をつけて頂き、リア名東区店で培った食事を意識して頂ければ問題ございません。また、少し食事が乱れてもいきなり太ることはございませんので、頑張ったご褒美も忘れないでくださいね。これからもパーソナルジム 名東区店 リアを宜しくお願いいたします。残り2回のトレーニング楽しんでいきましょ。パーソナルジム名東区店 リア代表 齋藤より。

(Translated by Google)
Dear Satomi, thank you for your kind review even though you are busy with childcare and housework.
Thank you for your hard work during 2 months of short-term concentration! I think there was some anxiety at the beginning. I remember the conversation like it was yesterday, "Is it okay to eat this much?!" It was an intense two months and it went by so quickly. As you return to work, you may find it easier to accumulate stress, so please take care of your health and be conscious of the diet that we have cultivated at the Ria Meito Ward store. Also, you won't suddenly gain weight even if you mess up your diet a little, so don't forget to reward yourself for your hard work. Thank you for your continued support of Personal Gym Meito-ku store Ria. Let's enjoy the remaining two training sessions. From Personal Gym Meito Ward Store Ria Representative Saito.





(Translated by Google)
Although I was a beginner and had never been to a mass gym, I took the plunge and joined. We can suggest training that suits you, so you can continue with it without any difficulty. It's only been my first month, but I can already feel the changes in my body.
I love that you can rent clothes and shoes so I can go empty-handed, and I look forward to going to the gym every week! I hope to work with you in the future!


市橋様、この度はパーソナルジム 名東区店 リアへのご入会並びに嬉しい口コミありがとうございます。市橋様は今年の夏に向けてファッションを楽しみたいでしたね♪市橋様に対して、僕が心がけていることは『楽しみながら、結果を出す』です。モチベーションを維持するのは簡単なことではありませんが、いつも笑顔でハードなトレーニングも筋肉を意識しながら行えておりますので、素晴らしい結果が出ます!何か不安なことや食事について気になることがございましたら、何なりとご連絡頂ければ幸いです。春先の半袖シーズンに間に合うように効率良く最短距離でダイエット・美ボディメイクを達成させましょう♪これからも宜しくお願いします^^パーソナルジム 名東区店 リア代表 齋藤

(Translated by Google)
Mr. Ichihashi, thank you for joining Personal Gym Meito-ku Store Ria and for your kind review. Mr. Ichihashi wanted to enjoy fashion for this summer.What I keep in mind for Mr. Ichihashi is to ``have fun while achieving results.'' It's not easy to stay motivated, but I'm always smiling and doing hard training while paying attention to my muscles, so I'm seeing great results! If you have any concerns or concerns about meals, please feel free to contact us. Let's achieve diet and beautiful body makeup efficiently and in the shortest way in time for the short-sleeve season in early spring ♪ Thank you for your continued support ^^ Personal Gym Meito-ku Store Ria Representative Saito





(Translated by Google)
First personal gym
I was nervous, but Mr. Saito, the representative, was kind enough to help me and I was able to relax and train.
I was able to experience various types of training and it was so much fun that the time flew by, but I really enjoyed being able to learn what I needed in detail and learning which areas could be strengthened by doing the necessary training. is! There was also plenty of space for small children to play. There's water available and things you can rent, so I think it's a gym you can easily go to! Thank you Saito-san!


aiko様、この度は遠いところからパーソナルジム 名東区店 リアへお越し頂きありがとうございました。また、有難い口コミも頂き嬉しく思います。aiko様はサーフィンで培った身体のバランスが素晴らしく長けております。トレーニング中、楽しくサーフィンのお話を教えて頂きありがとうございます。人間の身体で下半身と体幹はスポーツにおいて、重要な役割になりますので、お腹に力を入れながら下半身強化していければと思います。また、笑いながら楽しくトレーニングしましょう。サーフィンのお話をまた聞かせてください。台風の際はいつも以上にお気をつけて頂きたいです。これからも宜しくお願いいたします。パーソナルジム 名東区店 リア代表 齋藤より♪

(Translated by Google)
Dear aiko, thank you for visiting Personal Gym Meito Ward Ria from a far away place. We are also happy to receive your kind reviews. Aiko has a wonderful body balance that she cultivated through surfing. Thank you for letting me have fun telling you stories about surfing during training. The lower body and core of the human body play an important role in sports, so I think it's best to strengthen your lower body while focusing on your stomach. Also, let's have fun training while laughing. Please tell me more about surfing. I would like you to be more careful than usual during a typhoon. nice to meet you. From Personal Gym Meito Ward Store Ria Representative Saito♪





(Translated by Google)
I'm having fun training!
The trainers give detailed instructions and are able to provide training that suits me.
Easy access from the station, 3 minutes walk from Issha Station!
If you are coming by car, there is a parking lot nearby so it will be easy to continue!
I often work late, but since I am given flexible hours, I feel like I can continue working until late⭐️


秋吉様、この度はお忙しい中、口コミの投稿ありがとうございました。運動が久しぶりで筋肉痛が酷いときもあると思いますが、筋肉痛を心地よく感じて頂ければと思います笑♪トレーニング中は初めてとは思えない身体の使い方で、しなやかさを兼ね備えている秋吉様は筋トレの効果upです!とてもお上手です!これから忘年会シーズンで飲み会も増えると思いますが、私に出来ることをフルサポートさせて頂きます。理想な身体へ仕上げますので、これからも宜しくお願いいたします!一緒にトレーニングを楽しんで行きましょう♪パーソナルジム 名東区店 リア 代表 齋藤より♫

(Translated by Google)
Dear Akiyoshi, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to post a review. It's been a long time since you last exercised and your muscles are sore sometimes, but I hope you can feel the soreness comfortably lol♪ Mr. Akiyoshi uses his body in a way that makes it hard to believe that he's doing it for the first time, and he's very flexible. will increase the effect of muscle training! You are very good at it! I think there will be more drinking parties coming up during the year-end party season, and I will do my best to support you in any way I can. I will help you achieve your ideal body, so thank you for your continued support! Let's enjoy training together ♪ From Personal Gym Meito-ku Store Ria Representative Saito ♫





(Translated by Google)
I was worried about my weight not coming back after giving birth.
I had been going to a mass gym, but had given up on it because I wasn't seeing any results, but a friend introduced me to it and I was able to try it out. I have experience in training, but I don't think there is another trainer who can teach you such high quality training.
I joined for 8 courses per month.
I have been looking forward to the training day since the day before, so I look forward to your continued support.


nori様この度は口コミの投稿ありがとうございます。またお褒めのお言葉を頂き感謝いたします。nori様はさすが経験者という身体の使い方で筋肉に良い刺激が入っております。月8回のコースでは下半身と上半身と部位を分けてトレーニング出来るので、とても効果的です!カウセリング時にお伺いしました、出産前の体型に戻りたいとのことでしたので、しっかりと満遍なく仕上げていきます。前の日から楽しみにして頂きありがとうございます♪時にはキツイメニューをご準備してお待ちしておりますので笑、今後とも宜しくお願いいたします。二人三脚で一緒に頑張って行きましょう♪宜しくお願いいたします。リア名東区店 代表 齋藤より

(Translated by Google)
Dear Nori, Thank you for your review. Thank you again for your kind words of compliment. Nori is an experienced person and the way she uses her body gives a good stimulation to the muscles. The 8-times-a-month course allows you to train the lower and upper body parts separately, so it's very effective! When I visited her during counseling, she said that she wanted to get back to her pre-baby body shape, so I will do my best to get her body evenly shaped. Thank you for looking forward to it since the day before ♪ We will sometimes prepare a difficult menu for you, so we look forward to your continued support. Let's work together and do our best ♪ Thank you for your support. From Ria Meito-ku store representative Saito

Nozomi Miyawaki

Nozomi Miyawaki












(Translated by Google)
I found the best gym.

First, there must be a space for children. This was a must for me as I have small children.

This gym is
“We just set up a space for the kids.”
It's not like that,

They make sure to create a space that children will enjoy, including toys, picture books, and character decorations.

Thanks to this, my child doesn't get bored and I can concentrate on my training.

Also, I feel that the trainer is a really wonderful person.

When it comes to male personal trainers,
I was imagining him to be muscular, but I don't want to say it, but he was kind of grumpy.

However, the trainer here is very refreshing and teaches the training thoroughly and in a funny way, with occasional jokes.

Honestly, training is tough.
However, I feel that he is someone who understands how difficult it is, and is providing support so that I can continue to do so.

Based on the above
I think it's the ideal environment for me.


Nozomi様、お忙しい中、口コミの投稿ありがとうございます。また、長文頂き嬉しいです。Nozomi様のようなお子様連れでも存分にトレーニング、ダイエットをしていただけるような環境作りにこれから努めて参ります。また、カウンセリング時に、産後から体重が落ちなくなったとお悩みを頂き、一度に沢山トライしようとするとパンクしてしまいますので、1つずつアドバイスをさせて頂きながらリバウンドしないダイエット・ボディメイクを一緒に頑張って行きましょう。また、トレーニングは確かにキツイメニューも組ませて頂きますが、楽しいと思えるアドバイスをさせて頂きますので、これからも楽しんで一緒に頑張っていきましょう!これからも宜しくお願いいたします。パーソナルジム 名東区店 リア代表 齋藤より。

(Translated by Google)
Dear Nozomi, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to post a review. Also, I appreciate your long post. We will continue to strive to create an environment where people like Nozomi with children can train and diet to their heart's content. Also, during the counseling session, I was told that I have not been able to lose weight since postpartum, and that if I try too many things at once, I will get exhausted, so I will give advice one by one and work together to achieve a diet and body shape that will not rebound. Let's go. Also, although the training will certainly be tough, we will give you advice that will make it fun, so let's continue to have fun and work hard together! nice to meet you. Personal Gym Meito-ku store Ria representative Saito.





(Translated by Google)
I think it's easy to get to since it's close to the station.
The room also has a calm atmosphere and a sense of cleanliness.
The trainers were friendly and made the training fun.
It looks like this will continue for a long time to come.


栗城様、いつもお世話になっております!口コミの投稿ありがとうございます!トレーニングを楽しいと、思って頂き光栄です♪栗城様はカウンセリング時にお伺いしました、ストレス発散でしたね^ ^トレーニングをする事で多くのホルモン分泌を促進し、ストレス発散の効果もあります。お仕事でお疲れの中、ご来店頂きトレーニングを楽しみながら、夏に向けて素晴らしい身体にしていきましょう!徹底的にサポートいたします!今後とも宜しくお願い致します。リア名東区店代表齋藤より♪

(Translated by Google)
Mr. Kuriki, thank you for your continued support! Thank you for posting your review! I'm honored that you think training is fun ♪ Mr. Kuriki asked me about it during the counseling session, and it was stress relief ^ ^ Training promotes the secretion of many hormones and has the effect of stress relief. Even if you're tired from work, come visit us and enjoy some training while getting in shape for the summer! We will fully support you! Sincerely. From Ria Meito Ward store representative Saito♪





(Translated by Google)
The other day, I went for my first personal experience!
Completely private space and free clothing rental were attractive☆
Summer is still a long way off, but I'll do my best to build up my body now!
Thank you for your continued support♪


小嶋様、お忙しい中、口コミの投稿ありがとうございます。小嶋様はカウンセリング時にお聞きしました、夏までに胸板作りでしたね!筋肥大にとって重要なのは食事です。しっかりと食事についてもアドバイスさせて頂きながら、トレーニングを楽しんでいきましょう♪二人三脚で徹底的にサポートさせて頂きます。次回も胸トレで追い込んでいきます(^^)こちらこそ、宜しくお願いいたします。リア名東区店 代表 齋藤より♫

(Translated by Google)
Mr. Kojima, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to post a review. Mr. Kojima asked me during the counseling session that he was going to have a chest plate made by summer! Diet is important for muscle growth. Let's enjoy your training while giving you solid advice on meals.We will provide thorough support with two people working together. I'll push myself with chest training next time too (^^) Thank you for your continued support. From Ria Meito-ku store representative Saito♫

yuta nakamura

yuta nakamura



(Translated by Google)
The energetic trainer will give you encouragement and support, so your motivation will increase! Looks like I'll be working hard on my diet from now on! !
It's close to the station and the interior is clean, so it feels nice.


yuta様、お忙しい中口コミありがとうございます♪そして、高評価嬉しいです。ありがとうございます!!yuta様はカウンセリング時にお聞きした筋肉量アップでしたね(*^^*)トレーニングは辛いだけではなく、楽しいということをこれからしっかりとお伝えしていきます。二人三脚で、来年の夏に向けて頑張って行きましょう♪これからの季節、寒くなるので体調管理には十分にお気をつけて頂ければと思います。今後とも宜しくお願いいたします。リア名東区店 代表 齋藤より♪

(Translated by Google)
Dear yuta, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write a review ♪ And we are happy for your high rating. thank you! ! Mr. Yuta, I heard about the increase in muscle mass that I heard during the counseling (*^^*) From now on, I will firmly tell you that training is not only hard, but also fun. Let's work together and do our best for next summer ♪ It's going to be cold in the coming season, so please take good care of your health. From now on, we shall strive for good relations. From Ria Meito Ward store representative Saito♪

_ Sungdal

_ Sungdal



(Translated by Google)
The trainers are also very friendly and give advice.
With this, you can continue exercising that you couldn't do alone!
It's very different from doing it alone at home, so I'm glad I took the courage to do it personally.


_Sungdal様、お忙しい中口コミのご投稿頂きありがとうございます♪また、嬉しい口コミ光栄です(^^) _Sungdal様は年末までに全身引き締めたいでしたね♪身体の使い方がとてもお上手ですので、これから重量を少しずつ負荷を足して、一緒に頑張っていきましょう♪ _Sungdal様なら絶対出来ます!怪我には気をつけながら継続して、楽しいフィットネスを感じて頂き、そして目標に向かって全力でサポートいたします!今後ともリア名東区店を宜しくお願いいたします。リア名東区店 代表 齋藤より♪

(Translated by Google)
_Thank you, Mr. Sungdal, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to post a review ♪ We are also honored by your positive feedback (^^) _ Mr. Sungdal wanted to tone up his whole body by the end of the year ♪ He is very good at using his body, so from now on, he will lose some weight. Let's add on the load one by one and work hard together ♪ _Sungdal can definitely do it! We want you to continue to enjoy fitness while being careful about injuries, and we will do our best to support you toward your goals! Thank you for your continued support of Ria Meito Ward store. From Ria Meito Ward store representative Saito♪





(Translated by Google)
Try it for free when you want to relieve your lack of exercise.
The gym leader was very kind and provided training and counseling.
There was clothing rental near the station, which was really nice.


ぽぽどらごんさん、お忙しい中、口コミ頂きありがとうございます^ ^久しぶりのトレーニングで全身筋肉痛大丈夫でしょうか?集中力が素晴らしく、最後の1repまで丁寧に取り組む姿勢が素晴らしいです♪これから身体の変化が楽しみですね!ゴルフでもいいスコアが出るように体幹トレーニング、足腰の強化をしていきましょう♪今後ともリア名東区店を宜しくお願い致します!リア名東区店 代表 齋藤より♪

(Translated by Google)
Thank you, Popo Dragon, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write a review ^ ^ Is it okay to feel sore all over your body after training for the first time in a while? His concentration is amazing and his attitude of working carefully until the last rep is amazing ♪ I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in his body from now on! Let's do core training and strengthen our legs and hips so that we can get a good score in golf♪ Thank you for your continued support of Ria Meito-ku store! From Ria Meito Ward store representative Saito♪








(Translated by Google)
I received a flyer about a personal gym the other day, and since I've been interested in personal gyms for some time, I decided to visit the store just to try it out for free.

The inside of the store is very stylish and there is a children's space, so it seemed like you could train with peace of mind even with children.

The trainers were also kind enough to talk to me about my body shape and give me advice on diet, so I was motivated and joined on the day☆

I'm looking forward to the changes in my body in the future!


BOB MUKAI様、お忙しい中、口コミ投稿ありがとうございます^ ^カウセリング時にお伺いさせて頂きましたお尻と太腿が気になっているとおっしゃっていましたが、脚を大きく広げるワイドスクワットのフォームがバッチリで、凄く筋肉にいい刺激が入っておりました。日頃はお仕事でお疲れのようですが、ストレス発散にもトレーニングは効果があるので、これからもリア名東区店を宜しくお願い致します。BOB MUKAI様なら絶対に体を変えることができます。モチベーションを向上させるように全力でサポートさせて頂きます。楽しんで二人三脚で頑張って行きましょう♪ 名東区一社 リアハワイアンパーソナルジム 齋藤より♪

(Translated by Google)
Dear BOB MUKAI, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to post a review ^ ^ I visited you during counseling. You said that you were concerned about your buttocks and thighs, but the wide squat form that spreads your legs wide It was perfect and really stimulated my muscles. You seem to be tired from your daily work, but training is effective in relieving stress, so please continue to support Ria Meito-ku store. BOB MUKAI can definitely change your body. We will do our best to support you to improve your motivation. Let's have fun and work hard together ♪ From Meito Ward Ichisha Ria Hawaiian Personal Gym Saito ♪





(Translated by Google)
I experienced it today ☺️
I had a wonderful space to myself, and my trainer, Mr. Saito, was so cheerful that I felt energized. He corrected my posture, which I hadn't been paying attention to before, and made me aware of where I was training, so I was able to train properly ✌️
Even when I thought I couldn't do it anymore, I was able to get through to the end with some good encouragement and encouragement.❣️
At first, I thought it would be a bit difficult to get started, but they suggested a plan that I could continue with, so I joined right away.
Thank you for your continued support 😁


広野様、この度はお忙しい中、口コミの投稿ありがとうございます♪また、嬉しい評価もありがとうございます^ ^広野様はさすがトレーニング経験者というフォームでしっかりと筋肉に刺激が入っていましたね!1人ではなかなか追い込めないトレーニングもリア名東区店で有ればしっかり限界まで追い込めること間違い無しです笑これから目標の数値に対して、しっかり二人三脚でダイエット成功させましょう♪食事面の改善とトレーニングの意識をしながら、カウンセリング時に伺いましたスキニーの似合う女性になりましょう!広野様なら絶対出来ます!今後とも宜しくお願い致します。名東区一社 リアハワイアンパーソナルジム 代表 齋藤より♪

(Translated by Google)
Mr. Hirono, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to post a review ♪ Also, thank you for your nice evaluation ^ ^ Mr. Hirono is someone who has experience in training, so it really stimulated his muscles! There is no doubt that you will be able to push your training to the limit if you have it at Ria Meito-ku store, which is difficult to do on your own. From now on, let's work together to achieve your goal and achieve a successful diet ♪ Improving your diet and training. Be conscious of this and become the woman who looks good in skinny skin that I asked you about during counseling! Mr. Hirono can definitely do it! Sincerely. From Meito Ward Ichisha Ria Hawaiian Personal Gym Representative Saito♪

